Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation Filler

From £125

At Tailored Aesthetics, we understand the impact that a well-defined chin can have on your overall facial appearance. If you’re looking to enhance your chin and achieve a more balanced profile, our chin augmentation with filler service is designed to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Using advanced techniques and premium fillers, our experienced professionals can sculpt and contour your chin to create a natural-looking, harmonious facial profile.

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What is Chin Augmentation with Filler?

Chin augmentation with filler is a non-surgical treatment that focuses on reshaping and enhancing the chin using specialised dermal fillers. This dermal filler treatment is an excellent option for individuals seeking to achieve a more defined chin, improved symmetry, or a stronger jawline without undergoing surgery. 

Chin filler procedure involves injecting the filler strategically along the chin area to add volume, contour, and proportion, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

The Benefits of Chin Augmentation Filler

Non-Surgical Solution

Chin Augmentation with filler offers a non-surgical alternative to enhance your chin. It eliminates the need for incisions, implants, or extensive downtime, allowing you to achieve noticeable results with minimal disruption to your daily life.

Immediate Results

One of the key advantages of chin filler treatment is that you can see the results instantly. As the filler is injected, you’ll notice immediate improvements in chin volume, definition, and balance, helping you achieve a more harmonious facial profile in just one session.

Customised Treatment

At Tailored Aesthetics, our skilled practitioners provide tailored treatments by evaluating your facial structure, listening to your goals, and designing a customised plan. We consider your facial proportions, skin type, and desired outcome to create a natural-looking result that enhances your individual facial features.

Enhanced Facial Harmony

Chin augmentation with filler can transform your facial harmony by creating a more balanced and proportionate profile. Whether you desire a stronger chin, improved jawline definition, or correction of asymmetry, our experts will use their expertise and artistry to achieve results that enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

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Chin Augmentation With Fillers Before And After

Why Choose Tailored Aesthetics?

At Tailored Aesthetics we offer a tailored approach to every treatment. Our skilled medical professionals take the time to understand your goals, evaluate your facial structure, and design a customised plan with dermal filler packages tailored to your unique needs. 

With a focus on natural-looking results, we consider your facial proportions, skin type, and desired outcome to create a balanced and harmonious appearance that enhances your individual features. 

Book a Free Consultation

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’re interested in enhancing your chin and achieving a more balanced facial profile, non surgical chin augmentation treatment is the perfect option for you! With our expertise and personalised approach, you can trust us to help you achieve the harmonious and natural-looking results you desire. 

Don’t hesitate to book a consultation with our experts today and take the first step towards enhancing your chin and achieving a more balanced facial profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Chin Augmentation Filler Last?

Chin filler augmentation can provide long-lasting results, typically lasting between 9 to 12 months. The duration may vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, lifestyle, and the specific filler used. 

Our experienced professionals at Tailored Aesthetics will discuss the expected longevity of results during your consultation, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the timeframe for your chin augmentation filler.

How Much is Chin Augmentation Filler?

The cost of chin augmentation filler at Tailored Aesthetics starts from £125. However, the exact price may vary depending on individual factors such as the desired outcome, the amount of filler required, and other customised aspects of your treatment plan. 

During your consultation, our experts will provide a comprehensive evaluation and discuss the specific pricing details based on your unique needs and goals. We strive to offer competitive and transparent pricing, ensuring that you receive high-quality chin augmentation filler services that align with your budget.

What Are The Risks of Chin Fillers?

While chin augmentation fillers are generally safe, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure. Some possible risks include 

Infection at the injection site. 

In rare cases, more serious complications like allergic reactions, vascular compromise, or uneven results may occur. However, these risks can be minimised by choosing a reputable and experienced practitioner such as Tailored Aesthetics who follow proper injection techniques and maintain high standards of safety. 

During your consultation at Tailored Aesthetics, our experts will discuss the potential risks, address any concerns you may have, and provide you with comprehensive pre- and post-treatment instructions to ensure a safe and successful chin augmentation filler procedure.

How Long Does Chin Filler Take to Settle?

After receiving chin filler, it typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks for the filler to fully settle and for you to see the final results. Initially, there may be some swelling, redness, or slight asymmetry immediately after the procedure. However, these temporary effects should subside as the filler integrates with the surrounding tissues. 

It’s important to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure proper healing and optimise the results. As the filler settles and any initial swelling subsides, you will gradually see the desired enhancement to your chin shape and contour.

Does Chin Filler Hurt the Next Day?

After receiving chin filler, it is common to experience some mild discomfort or tenderness in the treated area the next day. However, the level of pain or discomfort varies from person to person, and many individuals report minimal discomfort that is easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers if needed.

Any potential discomfort is usually temporary and should subside within a few days as the filler settles and the area adjusts. It is essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure optimal healing and minimise any discomfort.