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Aftercare is a crucial aspect of any cosmetic treatment, as it plays a vital role in ensuring the best possible results and promoting optimal healing. Proper aftercare can help minimise the risk of complications, reduce discomfort and swelling, and enhance the longevity of the treatment.

It is essential to follow the instructions provided by your practitioner. By adhering to these guidelines and taking good care of yourself after the treatment, you can achieve the best possible outcomes and enjoy the full benefits of the treatment for a longer period. Read our full guide.

Aftercare Guide

Anti-Wrinkle Injections FAQs

Are anti-wrinkle injections the same as Botox?

Yes, anti-wrinkle injections are a type of cosmetic treatment that use a purified form of botulinum toxin, which is also known as Botox. Botox is a brand name for one of the formulations of botulinum toxin.

How long does anti-wrinkle injections last?

The effects of anti-wrinkle injections typically last between 3-6 months, depending on the individual and the treatment area. Regular maintenance treatments are required to maintain the results.

What are the side effects of anti-wrinkle injections?

The most common side effects of anti-wrinkle injections include temporary bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site. Less common side effects may include headache, nausea, and flu-like symptoms. Serious side effects are rare but can include difficulty breathing or swallowing. Read our aftercare guide to learn more about avoiding side effects.

How often should I get anti-wrinkle injections?

The frequency of anti-wrinkle injections depends on the individual’s goals and the treatment area. Most people receive treatments every 3-6 months to maintain their results.

Do wrinkle injections work?

Yes, anti-wrinkle injections are effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

What is the difference between anti-wrinkle and filler?

Anti-wrinkle injections relax the muscles that cause wrinkles, while fillers add volume to areas that have lost fullness or have deep lines. Anti-wrinkle injections are typically used to treat dynamic wrinkles, which are caused by muscle movements, while fillers are used to treat static wrinkles, which are present even when the muscles are at rest.

How quickly do anti-wrinkle injections work?

Anti-wrinkle injections typically take 3-7 days to see results, with full results visible within 2 weeks after treatment.

Dermal Filler FAQs

How Much are Dermal Filler Packages? 

We offer a range of Dermal Filler Packages that can cost anywhere between £250 and £600. However, the actual price of the Face Filler Package will depend on your requirements and the treatment plan that is agreed upon consultation with one of our experienced practitioners. During the consultation, our practitioner will evaluate your specific needs and goals, and determine the amount of dermal filler that will be applied to the area to achieve the desired outcome. Based on this evaluation, our practitioner will then discuss the various Filler Packages that are available and the cost.

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Dermal filler treatments are a commonly used cosmetic treatment, and when administered by one of our qualified and experienced medical professionals, they are considered a safe and an effective option for restoring volume and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The majority of patients who receive dermal fillers experience minimal side effects, which are typically mild and temporary, such as slight swelling or bruising at the injection site. Overall, dermal fillers are a safe and widely used treatment for achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Is Having Dermal Filler Painful?

The experience of receiving face filler injections can vary from person to person and the area of the face treated. Some individuals may experience only mild discomfort, while others may feel more intense pain or discomfort during the procedure. However, our practitioners use a numbing cream or local anaesthetic to help minimise any pain or discomfort that you may feel during the treatment. The needles used for face filler injections are very fine and cause minimal trauma to the skin, which can further reduce discomfort.

How Long Do Fillers Last?

The duration of the effects of facial fillers can vary depending on the type of filler used and the areas treated, and individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle habits. Most fillers last between 6-18 months before the body naturally metabolises and absorbs them. However, some fillers can last up to two years or more. The duration of the effects can also be influenced by the volume of filler used, as larger amounts may last longer than smaller amounts. To maintain the results of fillers, touch-up treatments may be required periodically. Our team of qualified practitioners can provide more specific information about the expected duration of results for the type of filler used during the initial consultation.

What is right for me, Dermal Fillers or Anti-wrinkle Injections?

Dermal fillers are typically used to add volume to the face, while anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by repetitive facial feature movements. At our bespoke consultation our practitioners will discuss patient expectations and offer the most suitable treatment.

PRP Facial FAQs

What Can I Expect During & After The PRP Facial Procedure?

During the PRP Facial treatment procedure, a small amount of blood will be drawn and then processed in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. The PRP is then injected into the skin using a fine needle. The procedure takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area. After the PRP Facial, you may experience some redness, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. These side effects are usually mild and temporary and typically resolve within a few days. You can resume normal activities immediately following the procedure, although it is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days.

How Long Does It Take for PRP Facial to Heal?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial is a cosmetic treatment that involves injecting your own plasma into the skin to improve its texture and appearance. The healing time after a PRP facial can vary depending on the individual, their skin type, and the extent of the treatment. Typically, you can expect some redness, swelling, and bruising for a few days after the procedure. The full healing process may take a week or two, during which time you are advised to avoid direct sunlight and use gentle skin care products. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by our healthcare professionals who perform the procedure to ensure optimal healing and results.

Is PRP better than having anti-wrinkle injections?

PRP and anti-wrinkle injections are both cosmetic treatments for improving skin appearance, but they have different approaches. PRP involves injecting your own plasma to stimulate collagen production, while anti-wrinkle injections relax muscles to reduce wrinkles. The choice depends on your goals, with PRP being a more natural and long-lasting solution, while is the results from anti-wrinkle injections are temporary and need repeated applications. Our healthcare professionals can help determine which treatment is best for you. 

What Will My Face Look Like After PRP?

After a PRP facial, expect some redness, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas. However, this is generally mild and resolves within a few days. Some patients also report a slight tingling or tightness sensation in the skin, which is a normal response to the treatment. Over time, the skin should begin to look brighter, smoother, and more youthful as the PRP stimulates collagen production and improves skin texture. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by our healthcare professionals who perform the procedure to ensure optimal healing and results. The full effects of the treatment may take a few weeks to become apparent.

How Often Should You Have a PRP Facial? 

The frequency of PRP Facial treatment sessions varies from person to person and depends on individual goals and skin conditions. In general, three to four treatments are required about four weeks apart, followed by maintenance treatments every six to twelve months.

PRP For Hair FAQs

How successful is PRP for Hair? 

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss has been shown to be a successful treatment option for many people. PRP injections work by stimulating hair growth through the injection of a patient’s own plasma, which is rich in growth factors, into the scalp. Studies have shown that PRP therapy can increase hair density and thickness, improve hair growth rates, and decrease hair shedding.

How long does PRP Hair Growth last?

The effects of PRP hair restoration treatment can last for several months to a year, depending on various factors such as the response to treatment, the severity of hair loss, and the number of sessions performed. Some patients may require maintenance treatments to sustain the results. However, it’s important to note that PRP hair growth treatment is not a permanent solution and results can vary from person to person.

How much is PRP Hair Treatment? 

The cost of PRP treatment for hair rejuvenation starts at £200 per session. The exact cost may vary depending on your needs and the number of sessions required. It is recommended to schedule a consultation with one of our qualified practitioners to determine the appropriate treatment plan and cost.

How Many PRP Sessions Does it Take to Regrow Hair?

The number of PRP sessions required for hair regrowth can vary depending on the person’s hair loss condition and response to treatment. Typically, patients undergo a series of three to four PRP hair rejuvenation sessions spaced four to six weeks apart. 
After the initial series, you may require additional maintenance treatments every six months to a year to sustain their results. However, it is important to note that the efficacy of PRP treatment for hair loss has not yet been fully established, and results may vary depending on various factors. It is recommended to consult with one of our qualified medical professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for individual needs and goals.

Who can receive PRP Hair Rejuvenation?

PRP hair rejuvenation can be beneficial for both men and women experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as blood disorders or infections, may not be suitable candidates for PRP therapy. It is important to consult with our qualified medical professional to determine if PRP therapy is appropriate for you.

What are the Side Effects of PRP Hair Treatment?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment for hair regrowth is considered safe, with minimal side effects. Some people may experience minor discomfort, swelling, or redness at the injection site, which typically subsides within a few hours to days. Those who are allergic to blood products or have certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for PRP therapy. It is important to consult with one of our qualified medical professionals to determine if PRP therapy is appropriate for your individual needs and to discuss any potential risks or complications.