How to Reduce Swelling After Lip Fillers

Lip fillers have become a popular aesthetic procedure for enhancing lip volume and shape. While the results can be incredibly satisfying, it’s not uncommon to experience some swelling after the treatment. 

Swelling is a common side effect and a natural part of the healing process, but if you’re looking for ways to minimise it and speed up the recovery process, then you have come to the right place. Our medical professionals at Tailored Aesthetics are here to share their expert strategies and tips on how to reduce swelling after lip fillers, allowing you to enjoy your new pout even sooner. 

0.5ml lip filler

How to Reduce Swelling After Lip Fillers

1. Apply Cold Compresses

One of the simplest, quickest and most effective ways to reduce swelling after lip fillers are by applying a cold compress to the treated area. The cold temperature helps constrict blood vessels, reducing inflammation. 

Wrap a clean cloth around an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas and gently put pressure on your lips for about 10-15 minutes at a time, whilst massaging the area. Repeat this process several times throughout the day for the first 24-48 hours post-treatment.

Avoid directly applying ice or any frozen items to your lips, as it may result in frostbite or a cold burn. 

2. Keep Your Head Elevated

Elevating your head while resting or sleeping can help prevent excessive swelling. Prop yourself up with an extra pillow or two to keep your head elevated above your heart. This positioning promotes proper blood circulation and reduces the build-up of fluid in your lips, minimising swelling.

3. Avoid Strenuous Exercise 

Engaging in strenuous exercise can increase blood flow to the face, potentially worsening swelling after injectable fillers. We recommend taking a break from intense workouts, heavy lifting, and other physically demanding activities for at least 24 hours following the procedure. Instead, opt for light exercise or relaxation techniques throughout this time.

4. Stay Hydrated 

Staying hydrated following your lip filler treatment is crucial because it enhances the healing process, reduces swelling, improves skin quality, prolongs the results, and maintains balanced moisture levels. Adequate hydration provides the necessary resources for optimal wound healing and tissue regeneration, minimising post-treatment swelling. 

Hydrated skin looks more supple and youthful, supporting the overall health and appearance of the treated area. Staying hydrated also helps the filler settle and integrate seamlessly with the surrounding tissues, prolonging the desired effects. 

We would recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water per day after your lip filler treatment.

5. Limit Salt Intake

Limiting your salt intake will significantly help reduce swelling after lip fillers. High sodium consumption can lead to water retention, which may exacerbate swelling and delay the recovery process. By reducing salt intake, you can help minimise fluid retention and swelling, allowing the treated area to heal more efficiently. 

Maintaining a low-sodium diet promotes a healthier balance of fluids in the body, which supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms. This, in turn, can contribute to faster recovery, reduced post-treatment swelling, and better overall results from your lip filler treatment.

6. Avoid Hot and Spicy Foods 

Hot and spicy foods can cause increased blood flow to your lips, which may intensify swelling. It’s best to avoid hot beverages such as coffee or tea, spicy dishes like curry or chilli, and anything that might irritate the treated area during the initial recovery period. 

Stick to cool, soft foods that are gentle on your lips and won’t aggravate any discomfort like yoghurt, smoothies, mashed potatoes, or chilled soups to promote healing and minimise any potential discomfort.

7. Follow Post-Treatment Instructions

To reduce swelling and prolong the results of your lip filler treatment, it is crucial to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by our team at Tailored Aesthetics. With our extensive experience and expertise in dermal fillers, we have carefully crafted these instructions to optimise your recovery and prolong results.

These instructions may include avoiding specific activities, products, or medications that could potentially disrupt the healing process. By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively minimise post-treatment swelling, promote proper healing, and extend the longevity of your lip filler results

How Long Will Lip Filler Swelling Last?

Lip filler swelling usually lasts for the first 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. However, it is important to note that individual factors such as the type and amount of filler used, your body’s response and your aftercare practices can influence the duration of swelling. Following our post-treatment guidelines on how to reduce swelling after lip fillers will promote faster recovery.

Does Ibuprofen Help Lip Filler Swelling?

No, ibuprofen is not recommended for reducing lip filler swelling. It is advised to avoid anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and aspirin after lip filler treatments, as they can thin the blood and potentially worsen bruising. 

If you experience discomfort and require pain medication, paracetamol can be taken as directed. However, it is always best to consult with our aesthetic practitioners for tailored advice on pain management and specific post-treatment guidelines.

Do Lip Fillers Look Better After a Few Days?

Yes, lip fillers typically look better after a few days. Initially, you may experience some swelling, which is a natural response to the treatment. However, as the swelling subsides and the filler settles into place, you will notice a more refined and enhanced appearance. 

The final results of lip injection treatments are usually seen within a week or two after the treatment, once any minor swelling and bruising have resolved. 

The Final Say

Experiencing swelling after lip fillers is normal, but there are effective measures you can take to reduce its severity and duration. By following our expert tips on how to reduce swelling after lip fillers you can promote faster healing and minimise discomfort. Remember, each person’s healing process is different, so be patient with your recovery and consult your aesthetic practitioner if you have any concerns. 

Where to Get Lip Fillers? 

At Tailored Aesthetics, we specialise in lip filler treatments in Southampton and the surrounding areas. Our experienced medical professionals offer tailored assessments to understand your goals and recommend the most suitable lip filler technique. 

We provide professional support to minimise discomfort, swelling and other potential side effects whilst ensuring the longevity of your treatment. 

Book a Lip Filler Consultation

About Zoe Taylor

Zoe is a distinguished aesthetic practitioner, holding a diploma in Physiology and Anatomy, underscoring her strong foundation in the science behind aesthetic procedures.

As the founder of Tailored Aesthetics, Zoe's mission is to assist clients in cultivating self-love and confidence through embracing their own skin. Read More >