Jaw Filler, How Long Does It Last?

The world of cosmetic procedures has advanced significantly in recent years, providing people with various options to enhance their natural beauty. Jaw fillers are a non-surgical procedure offered to those who are looking to achieve a more defined and sculpted jawline without undergoing invasive surgery. 

Jaw fillers can last between 9 to 12 months depending on the type of dermal filler used and the amount administered. Yet It’s important to understand how to prolong these results following your treatment to help you achieve your desired facial goals and minimise the risk of potential side effects.

Understanding Jaw Fillers

So what are jaw fillers? Jaw fillers also referred to as dermal fillers, are cosmetic substances used to enhance the definition and contour of the jawline. These injectable fillers consist of materials like hyaluronic acid, which are naturally found in the body and aid in maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. 

When skillfully injected into the jawline area, these fillers add volume and structure, resulting in a more sculpted and refined appearance. Unlike surgical jaw treatment, jaw fillers offer a non-invasive approach to achieving a desired jawline shape, making them a popular and safer alternative. 

The Longevity of Jaw Fillers

Type of Filler

The type of filler used can greatly influence the outcome of your jaw filler procedure. Different fillers have varying consistencies that impact their longevity and the final result. 

Hyaluronic acid fillers for example provide a natural-looking jaw filler result by adding volume and hydration to the skin. Thicker fillers may be used for more dramatic contouring, yet thinner fillers could offer a softer enhancement but might have a shorter duration. Therefore it’s crucial to discuss your desired results with a qualified practitioner before your treatment. 

Metabolism and Lifestyle

Your metabolism and lifestyle choices play a role in how long jaw fillers last. A faster metabolism might lead to a quicker breakdown of the filler, while factors like smoking, excessive sun exposure, and poor skincare habits can impact the longevity of the results.

Injection Technique

Opting for an experienced medical practitioner when undergoing jaw filler treatment is crucial to ensure prolonged and optimal results. Our team of medical practitioners at Tailored Aesthetics have a deep understanding of facial anatomy and filler injection techniques, allowing them to administer fillers ensuring long-lasting results.

Dosage and Area

The amount of jaw filler used and the specific areas treated play a crucial role in how long your treatment lasts. Generally, more filler means longer-lasting results as it provides better support for shaping. 

Maintenance Sessions

Regular maintenance sessions can contribute to prolonging the results of your jaw filler treatment. Over time, the effects of fillers naturally dissolve as the body gradually absorbs the injected material. Treatment plans involve periodic touch-ups where a qualified practitioner administers small amounts of filler to maintain the initial results. 

These sessions help prolong the results of the filler, allowing you to enjoy a consistently enhanced jawline appearance. By staying proactive with maintenance appointments, you can extend the longevity of your desired outcomes, ensuring that your jawline retains its sculpted and refined look over an extended period.

Aftercare and Prolonging Results 

To get the most out of your jaw filler treatment and ensure its longevity, it’s crucial to consider these aftercare tips.

Hydration and Skincare

Dermal fillers like Juvederm, which are hyaluronic acid-based, work by using the water that naturally exists in our tissues. Staying hydrated and adopting a good skincare routine following your jaw filler treatment will help to prolong results.

Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays with sunscreen and protective clothing can prevent premature ageing and the breakdown of fillers. Exposure to the sun’s UV rays can reverse the benefits of dermal filler treatment, therefore it’s crucial to use a sunscreen containing Vitamin C whilst avoiding sun exposure to prolong your results.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Like any procedure, maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise and avoiding habits like smoking can contribute to healthier skin and help maintain filler results. Eating foods like vegetables, fruits and proteins can maximise the effect of the products and enhance the appearance of your skin. 

What Happens When Jaw Filler Wears Off?

As jaw filler wears off, the effects gradually fade as the filler is naturally absorbed by the body. This process leads to a return to the face’s normal appearance. For instance, if the filler was used to eliminate wrinkles, they would reappear, and areas that regained volume would experience loss again. 

This reversal is gradual and not sudden. The exact duration of filler breakdown varies based on factors like filler type and individual metabolism. To sustain the desired outcome, many people opt for follow-up treatments or maintenance sessions as advised by their practitioner. 

Can You Get Permanent Jaw Fillers?

While there are no truly permanent jaw fillers, some dermal fillers can offer longer-lasting results compared to traditional options. These fillers typically contain substances that stimulate collagen production, leading to extended effects.

However, even these options are not truly permanent, as they eventually break down over time. It’s important to consult with a qualified medical professional to discuss your desired outcomes and explore the available options for achieving your goals while considering the longevity of results that different fillers offer.

Are Jawline Fillers Worth It?

Jaw fillers offer an effective and minimally invasive way to achieve a more sculpted and defined jawline. While the longevity of jaw fillers varies based on factors like the type of filler, individual metabolism, and lifestyle choices, the results of jaw fillers can last between 9-12 months. 

To make the most of your jaw filler treatment, it’s important to choose a skilled practitioner, follow aftercare guidelines, and consider maintenance sessions as needed. Always consult with qualified medical professionals such as ourselves at Tailored Aesthetics before undergoing any cosmetic procedures to ensure that you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and expectations.

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About Zoe Taylor

Zoe is a distinguished aesthetic practitioner, holding a diploma in Physiology and Anatomy, underscoring her strong foundation in the science behind aesthetic procedures.

As the founder of Tailored Aesthetics, Zoe's mission is to assist clients in cultivating self-love and confidence through embracing their own skin. Read More >