What to Avoid After Lip Filler: Dos and Don’ts

Lip filler treatments have become increasingly popular as a quick and non-invasive way to enhance lips. According to the 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics report, surgical lip augmentation has increased by 5% since 2016, indicating the growing interest in lip enhancement procedures. 

However, it’s crucial to understand that post-filler care plays a huge role in ensuring successful and long-lasting results. In this blog, we will explore the things you should avoid and the steps you need to take after getting lip filler to achieve the best outcomes.

Correction of lips form, lip augmentation concept. Hands of cosmetologist making botox filler injection in female lips with syringe in beauty salon, close-up, rear view

What to Avoid After Getting Lip Fillers

  1. Flying for a Week Post Filler
  2. Facial Makeup 
  3. Laser Treatments
  4. Smoking
  5. High Temperatures
  6. Alcohol Consumption 
  7. Hot Drinks
  8. Spicy Foods
  9. Intense Workouts
  10. Blood Thinning Medications

Following the instructions provided by our healthcare professionals after your lip filler treatment is crucial as it ensures a smooth and successful recovery process, reducing the risk of complications and maximising the longevity of your lip filler results

By following our recommendations, you can confidently enjoy the full benefits of your lip filler, achieving the desired natural-looking enhancements while safeguarding your overall well-being. 

1. Avoid Flying for a Week Post Filler

While travel plans can be exciting, it’s vital to avoid flying for at least a week after getting lip filler. Changes in cabin pressure during flights can impact the healing process and potentially cause discomfort or complications. It’s best to give your lips ample time to recover before hopping on a plane.

2. Makeup & Laser Treatments 

After getting lip filler, it’s crucial to avoid applying makeup directly to the treated area for the first 24 hours to help minimise the risk of infection. We would also recommend avoiding any laser treatments following your lip filler to prevent irritation or damage to the injected area.

3. Do Not Smoke

Smoking is detrimental to your overall health, and it can also negatively affect your lip filler results. Tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals that can slow down the healing process and may even contribute to a higher chance of complications. If you’re serious about maintaining your lip filler’s longevity, kicking the smoking habit is a wise decision.

4. High Temperatures

Exposure to high temperatures, such as saunas, steam rooms, and hot baths, should be avoided for at least 48 hours after lip filler injections. Increased heat can cause additional swelling and potential adverse reactions. It is crucial to allow your body to regulate its temperature naturally during this crucial healing phase.

5. Alcohol Consumption

Avoiding drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after lip filler is crucial as it can lead to dehydration, worsening swelling and side affects. Alcohol is a diuretic, causing fluid loss and affecting the skin’s moisture balance, crucial for healing. Blood thinners also increase the risk of bruising at the injection site. 

Staying hydrated with water during this period supports faster recovery, minimises complications, and enhances the overall outcome of the lip filler treatment. 

6. Hot Drinks & Spicy Foods

After getting lip filler, it’s crucial to be mindful of your beverage and food choices to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. Hot beverages and spicy foods can increase blood flow to the lips, which may result in irritation or swelling around the treated area.

To minimise any discomfort and optimise the results of your lip filler treatment, it’s best to opt for cooler drinks and steer clear of spicy foods until your lips have fully healed. By making these simple adjustments to your diet during the initial healing period, you can help promote a more seamless recovery process and enjoy the full benefits of your lip filler enhancement.

7. Intense Workouts

Avoiding intense workouts following lip filler treatment is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Intense physical activities can lead to increased blood pressure and elevated heart rate, which may cause additional swelling and irritation around the treated area. 

The pressure and strain exerted during vigorous workouts can also disrupt the newly injected filler, affecting its distribution and potentially compromising the desired results. To allow the lip filler to settle properly and reduce the risk of complications, it’s best to refrain from strenuous exercises for at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. 

Opting for light activities during this period will help promote a comfortable healing process and contribute to the long-lasting and natural-looking enhancement of your lips.

8. Be Mindful of Medications

Being mindful when taking medication following dermal filler treatment is crucial to ensure a smooth and safe recovery. Certain medications, such as blood-thinning drugs or pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen, can increase the risk of swelling and bruising at the injection site. These medications may interfere with the body’s natural healing process and potentially compromise the results of the lip filler procedure.

What To Do After Lip Filler 

Follow Post-Treatment Instructions

Always adhere to the specific post-treatment instructions provided by our healthcare professionals. These guidelines are tailored to your needs and will contribute to a smooth recovery process.

Apply Ice Packs

Applying ice packs to the treated area can help reduce swelling and ease any discomfort. Gently place the ice packs on your lips for short intervals in the first couple of days after the procedure.

Keep Lips Moisturised

Drink plenty of water and keep your lips well-moisturised with a gentle lip balm or petroleum jelly. This will prevent your lips from becoming dry and promote faster healing.

Be Gentle with Your Lips

Avoid touching, pressing, or massaging your lips immediately after the filler treatment. Let your lips settle naturally to achieve the desired final results.

Sleep with Your Head Elevated

When sleeping, avoid sleeping on your face. Try to keep your head slightly elevated with an extra pillow. This position helps reduce swelling and promotes a smoother recovery.

What Can Ruin Lip Fillers?

Several factors can potentially affect the outcome of lip fillers. These include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, intense physical activities, and not following post-treatment instructions. These actions can lead to increased swelling, prolonged recovery, and compromised results.

Should You Avoid Certain Foods After Lip Filler?

Yes, it’s advisable to avoid hot beverages and spicy foods for a period after lip filler treatment. These can increase blood flow to the lips, potentially causing irritation and swelling. Opting for cooler drinks and milder foods will help minimise discomfort and optimise the results.

Can You Eat Anything After Lip Fillers?

Yes, you can eat anything after lip fillers. Although it’s best to stick to soft and easy-to-chew foods initially to avoid putting excessive pressure on the treated area. Gradually introduce your regular diet as your lips heal and the swelling subsides. 

Can I Smile After Lip Fillers?

Yes, you can smile after lip fillers. Smiling should not pose any problems as long as you follow our healthcare professional’s advice and avoid excessive movement or pressure on the lips immediately after the procedure.

Will Eating Move My Lip Filler?

Eating should not move the lip filler if the injections were done correctly. However, it’s vital to be mindful of chewing carefully and avoiding any excessive movements or pressure on the lips during meals to allow the filler to settle and ensure optimal results.

Achieving The Most From Your Lip Filler

Getting lip filler can be an exciting experience, but taking proper care of your lips post-treatment is crucial for achieving the best results. By avoiding certain activities and following the recommended aftercare steps, you can help ensure a smooth healing process and enjoy the full benefits of your lip filler for a longer time. 

Always consult with our qualified professionals at Tailored Aesthetics to get personalised advice and address any concerns you may have throughout the recovery period. Remember, proper aftercare is the key to showcasing your enhanced and beautiful lips confidently!

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About Zoe Taylor

Zoe is a distinguished aesthetic practitioner, holding a diploma in Physiology and Anatomy, underscoring her strong foundation in the science behind aesthetic procedures.

As the founder of Tailored Aesthetics, Zoe's mission is to assist clients in cultivating self-love and confidence through embracing their own skin. Read More >